
Showing posts from October, 2018

Compassion, the Way to Healing

In order to live fully we may need to look deeply and respectfully at our own suffering and the suffering of others. In the depth of wounds we have survived is the strength we need to live. The wisdom our wounds can offer us is a place of refuge. Finding this is not for the faint of heart. But then, neither is life. [1] Rachel Naomi Remen My journey to a greater sense of wellbeing was made possible by compassion.  In my search for a way to understand and find a solution to my physical and emotional pain ( read here for more about my journey ), I learnt that the first step was to begin to meet myself in a more compassionate way. Through mindfulness meditation and the Alexander Technique I learnt to see my habitual responses to life and over time develop a more compassionate response which allowed me to move towards healing. I was shown the way by one person in particular, a Feldenkrais practitioner, who met me at the depths of my pain, some years ago. She listened to my suf